HittingTracker FAQ

To switch between Quick Mode and Advanced Mode use the "Set Mode" button in the upper right of the "Batter Up - Select Game" screen

*** Having trouble installing to the iPod Touch? ***

Here is the recommended procedure directly from Apple that has helped another customer with this problem:

1) Delete the software from your iTunes library and then re-download it. Once you have purchased something, you can re-download it again for free.

2) Turn the iPod off and on.

3) Re-sync the iPod with iTunes.

1) How do I get the HittingTracker?

The application is available through the App Store on your iPhone. If you search for "hittingtracker" you'll find the application available for purchase for $1.99.

2) How do I get started tracking stats?

1) Enter your players. Click the "+" button in the upper right to add a new player. Once a new player is added you can click on the name in the list to enter more detailed information. This is the same way adding teams and adding games works.

2) Enter your teams or change the names of the teams and add the players to the team. You can do this from the team update screen by clicking the "Edit" button or you can go into the player update screen and select the team for the player.

3) Once you have teams and players on those teams you can set up some games. In the game update screen select the home team and the visiting team. Now you're ready to enter stats.

4) On the "Batter Up" screen you will see a list of games. There is also a button in the upper right corner called "Set Mode". This will allow you to switch between "Quick Mode" and "Advanced Mode". I would recommend "Quick Mode" to start with and then as you get more comfortable you can switch to using "Advanced Mode".

5) From the "Batter Up" screen select the game you want to track. You will then see the list of players on the home team and visiting team separated into two groups. Click on the player and you will see the screen that allows you to track what happened. If the batter knocked in any runs be sure to select the number of RBIs before you click on the buttons to say it was a single, double, etc.

6) You will be taken back to the list of players so you can select the next batter and continue tracking stats.

7) Once your done tracking the game click on the "Stats" tab and click the "calculate" button in the upper right of the screen. This will calculate all of the stats. Clicking on a player name from the "Stats" tab will display the calculated stats.

3) How do I import the data from my HittingTracker e-mail on my MacBook?

The first thing you need to do is open the e-mail on your MacBook. Highlight the data and press the [Command][C] keys at the same time to copy the data into the clipboard. Next open up MS Word and press [Command][V] to paste the data into a new empty document. When you save the document make sure you change the type of document to "Plain Text" and change the "txt" file extension to "csv". Close MS Word and Open MS Excel. Go to "File" menu and click the "Import..." option. Double click the file you saved in MS Word that should have a ".csv" file extension. You can accept all of the defaults as it steps you through the import process and you will have imported all of the data into MS Excel.

4) What statistics are tracked by the HittingTracker when in Advanced Mode and what are the statistics tracked when in Quick Mode?

Batting Average
On Base Percentage
Slugging Percentage
OPS (On Base + Slugging Percentage)
(Advanced Mode) Batting average vs. Left Handed Pitchers
(Advanced Mode) Batting average vs. Right Handed Pitchers
(Advanced Mode) Batting Average with Two Strikes
(Advanced Mode) Batting Average with Runners in Scoring Position
(Advanced Mode) Two Out RBIs
(Advanced Mode) Game Winning Hits
(Advanced Mode) Hit By Pitch
(Advanced Mode) Strikeouts Looking
(Advanced Mode) Strikeouts Swinging
v1.1 - Homerun Ratio
v1.1 - Strikeout Ratio
v1.1 - Base on Balls %
v1.1 - Sacrifice Flies
v1.1 - (Advanced Mode) Runs Scored
v1.1 - (Advanced Mode) Runs Produced
v1.1 - (Advanced Mode) Sacrifice Bunts
v1.2 - (Advanced Mode) Stolen Bases
v1.2 - (Advanced Mode) Stolen Attempts
v1.2 - (Advanced Mode) Stolen %

5) Does the HittingTracker track switch hitters?

Absolutely! If the batter is designated as a switch hitter then the HittingTracker will ask you which side the player is hitting from before each at bat. When the statistics are displayed they are broken out by batting from the right or batting from the left.

6) What is the purpose of assigning a season to a game?

Seasons are important because they help to break up the statistics gathered. You might be interested to see how the Spring, Summer and Fall season statistics differ from one another. The lifetime statistics will combine all of the games across all of the seasons unless they have specifically been designated as not to be included in lifetime statistics.

7) Will the HittingTracker work for Softball?

Absolutely, you can use the HittingTracker for Baseball or Softball.

8) Where do I put the jersey number?

The player lists are sorted by name so if you would like the list to be sorted by jersey number you can put the number at the beginning of the name. For example, "01 Trent", "11 Blake",etc.

9) If I'm in quick mode, how do I track a batter being hit by a pitch?

If the runner gets on base by being hit by a pitch then it should be tracked as a walk. An infielder error or fielder's choice should be tracked as an out at first.

10) How do I track a sacrifice fly?

In quick mode you would select the player hitting a "Pop Up" with one or more RBIs. In advanced mode there have to be less than two outs and a "Pop Up" is tracked with one or more RBIs.

11) How do I track a sacrifice bunt?

A sacrifice bunt cannot be tracked in quick mode since there isn't a distinction between a regular swing and a bunt. The best way to track a sacrifice bunt in quick mode is to track it the same way you would a sacrifice fly. It's scored the same way but is a little misleading because it wasn't actually a fly ball. In advanced mode there have to be less than two outs and a "Bunt" is tracked with the player being "Out at 1st" with one or more RBIs.

12) What does "No official at bats" mean?

When calculating batting averages it's important to not penalize the batter for certain plays that occur. When a batter walks on ball four, is hit by a pitch, hits a sacrifice fly or a sacrifice bunt the "at bat" is not counted toward the batting average. So, for example, if a batter has been to the plate twice with a single and a walk then the batter is hitting a perfect 1.000 since only one plate appearance is counted toward the batting average. If the batter has been up to the plate twice and walked on both occasions, the batter still does not have any official at bats to be counted toward the batting average.

13) How do I score an RBI from a walk?

In quick mode you cannot track an RBI with a walk. In advanced mode if the bases are loaded and a walk is tracked, the HittingTracker will automatically add an RBI to the players statistics.

14) How do you rearrange the batting order for each game?

When you are looking at the screen that shows the lineup click the "Edit" button in the upper right. You'll notice some horizontal lines to the right of each player name. Press and hold your finger down on the bars next to the player you want to move. You'll see the name pop up off the list and then you can drag the name to wherever in the batting order you want.

15) How do I score a homerun?

In quick mode you select 4 RBIs and then click the "Homerun" button. In advanced mode, you always want to include the batter in the number of RBIs selected. For example, a homerun with no runners on base would be scored as one RBI and the screen displaying the players that scored will have the batter checked automatically. A homerun with bases loaded would be scored as four RBIs. The next screen will automatically have the batter checked and you can check up to three more players that scored. In advanced mode, it's important to remember the point is given to the batter in the RBI category, not the runs scored category. Even though the homerun hitter is checked on the runs scored screen, it is assumed you already attributed an RBI to the homerun hitter so an additional run is not added to the runs scored category.

16) How often should I recalculate statistics?

You can recalculate as often as you like. However, if you have a lot of statistics entered it could take a minute or two to recalculate everything. I would definitely recommend recalculating your statistics after each game.

17) How do I exclude games from the lifetime statistics?

From the "Edit Game" screen there is a setting that can be changed called "lifetime". When set to "No" the game statistics will be excluded from the lifetime statistics. The game will still be included in the season statistics if the game is assigned to a season.